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Cosmetic Electrodessication

No matter how old you are, benign skin lesions are a persistent problem that aren’t easy to treat at home. This problem doesn’t just go away as we age, it actually gets worse overtime due to the natural aging processes and genetics. When skin lesions aren’t dealt with properly, they can make applying makeup and skincare products much harder, and it can even affect your self-esteem. That’s where cosmetic electrodessication comes in! This procedure will effectively clear your face, neck and body of visible skin lesions.

So what is a cosmetic electrodessication appointment like? Its actually a very quick and easy procedure. First, the area that needs treatment will be cleaned with an alcohol wipe. If anesthesia is needed then a fine needle syringe will be used to inject it into the skin or an anesthetic cream will be applied. The type of electrocautery device that is used on the skin is called a hyfrecator and it features a small metal probe at the tip. This metal tip will then be placed very close to the skin and a button will be pressed that allows a flow of electricity to be released. Since this procedure is non-surgical, it works by using the electric current in combination with the metal probe tip to superheat and remove the skin lesion.

Once the procedure is completed, the area treated needs to stay clean and an antibiotic ointment must be used daily. Depending on the location, depth and size of the wound, it may take a few weeks to completely heal.

How We Can Help!

With a little help from our team here at Pure Skin Dermatology & Aesthetics, you can finally look forward to having blemish-free skin. Dr. Grayman and her team of experts will be able to use cosmetic electrodessication to rid your body of stubborn skin lesions. Once the procedure is completed, the results will leave your skin looking smooth and youthful.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.